Open-source Thermal Control for Dell G-series
Open-source alternative to AWCC for Dell G-series servers.
Open-source alternative to AWCC for Dell G-series servers.
Auto Objection! An Android Ace Attorney simulator. Place the phone flat on the table and knock the desktop.
Create Virtual Serial Port with socat & Python in Linux.
Automatically fetch and compile Aseprite source code with Github Actions.
Data through port *53* is not intercepted, and the authentication system can be bypassed using the DNS channel.
Set proxy for CMD/Powershell/Terminal/Git
*mdk3* is used for **stress testing 802.11 networks(wifi)**. It consists of various methods by which we can perform tests. Some of major method sare beacon flooding, deauthentication, WPA-dos etc...
Now, more and more people wants to be anonymous. Telegram, an IM known as *"focus on security and privacy"*, is chosen. But, does Telegram really "focus on security and privacy" as it advertises? A...
We collected several best or most popular DDos Tools for DDos testings.The collection will keep updating, adding new tools & tutorials. Please Follow/Watch/Star to get the latest updating.
libpng is more stringent about checking ICC profiles than previous versions. In Qt, if you use certain formats of PNG images, you may get a warning 'libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profi...